Camps & Events

Drama Camps

Experience the magic of drama with our exciting drama camps and holiday camps. At Drama Kids, we believe that every child deserves the chance to shine on stage. Our camps are designed to ignite creativity and confidence in young performers, providing them with a safe and supportive environment to explore singing, acting, and dancing. Through engaging activities, students will develop essential performance skills, such as pitch, projection, stage presence, and character development. 

Drama Camps were kids and teens learn and have fun
Drama Camps were kids and teens learn and have fun

Goldilocks on Trial


Boise/Meridian @ Tree City Chruch 3852 N Eagle Rd, Boise, ID 83713 & Caldwell @ Wilson Elementary School 400 E Linden St. Caldwell, ID 83605

In this fun Summer Camp, Campers will work together to perform GOLDILOCKS ON TRIAL! “Goldie,” is on trial for breaking and entering and destruction of private property. A wide cast of fairytale characters serve as witnesses for the prosecuting and defense attorneys. To hear the Bare family tell it, Goldie should be found guilty. But an unscrupulous judge and a slew of unreliable witnesses including a blind witch, a forgetful old woman who lives in a shoe, a dwarf with a nasty disposition, a skittish tuffet-tester, and a country boy so dumb he’d trade beans for a cow — make it hard to build a case against the gal with the golden hair. With so much conflicting testimony, no wonder the results are courtroom chaos! The entire justice system is left in silly shambles in this slapstick one-act designed for laughs.

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