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Apollo Beach

Lower Primary

Drama & Acting Classes

Lower Primary Drama & Acting Classes in NE Dallas, Rockwall, S Collin & Denton Counties

Grades Kindergarten – 2nd Grade

Drama Kids’ Lower Primary class is designed to help students grow their leadership, communication skills, & creative thinking through a wide range of engaging activities. In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of projection, articulation, dramatic movement, & improvisation while building self-confidence through imaginative character-building & group scene work

Drama Kids Students having fun
Drama Kids Students having fun
Younger group of Drama Kids

K-2 Creative Drama Classes in NE Dallas, Rockwall, S Collin & Denton Counties and surrounding areas

Are you looking for a class that’s both fun and educational? Drama Kids’ Lower Primary class is a developmental drama class designed to help students grow their leadership, communication skills, and creative thinking through a wide range of engaging activities. In this class, students will learn the fundamentals of projection, articulation, dramatic movement, and improvisation while building self-confidence through imaginative character-building and group scene work. Join us for a school year of learning and self-discovery the Drama Kids way!

Our programs are designed with the understanding that ease in social interactions leads to stronger friendships and better adaptability to change, making school an adventure to look forward to for students in these vibrant Texas communities. Drama Kids of NE Dallas, Rockwall, S Collin & Denton Counties, and surrounding areas is here to empower young minds through performing arts.

At Drama Kids, we’re proud of our dedicated instructors who inspire students to become confident communicators. They engage students in a variety of creative exercises, including speech development, dynamic movement, and improvisation. Our drama, theater, and acting workshops are integrated into school curriculums and community programs throughout the Dallas area.

These workshops are the cornerstone for sparking creativity, allowing kids to express themselves and develop speaking skills in a nurturing and fun environment right in the heart of Texas. Regularly introducing new drama activities and scripts keeps our classes exciting and ensures that every child finds their confidence and joy in participating. With locations in NE Dallas, Rockwall, S Collin & Denton Counties you can find a Drama Kids locations near you! The journey through our Lower Primary Creative Drama Classes unfolds throughout the academic year, culminating in a low-pressure performance opportunity that showcases the personal growth and achievements from students across Plano, Rockwall, Mesquite, Denton and Wylie, Texas and its neighboring cities.

Sign Up for a Drama Kids Class Today! We are proud to offer after-school drama programs to the beautiful communities of NE Dallas, Rockwall, S Collin & Denton Counties.

Note: Certain programs may not be available to all Drama Kids locations.

Lower Primary Classes

The Difference is Dramatic!

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