
Drama & Acting Classes

Our in-school program brings the Drama Kids award-winning curriculum to your schools! DRAMA ISN’T JUST FOR KIDS WHO WANT TO BE ACTORS! Our classes help children and young adults develop important life skills: Public Speaking, Creative Thinking, Collaboration, Problem Solving, Leadership, And More!

Casual Drama Kids girls
Drama Camps were kids and teens learn and have fun
Happy Drama Kids Students

Our teachers are intentional as they offer specific compliments and constructive criticism to every child in every class. No child ever has to audition – and every child gets to participate in every class! Our weekly after-school enrichment classes are one hour in length during the academic school year. Join us at one of our community locations or school campuses this year! If your child’s school isn’t listed, reach out to us! We will partner with you to get our amazing curriculum to your child’s school this year!

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