
Drama & Acting Classes

Our in-school program brings the Drama Kids award-winning curriculum right into the schools! DRAMA ISN’T JUST FOR KIDS WHO WANT TO BE ACTORS! Our classes help children and young adults develop important life skills: Public Speaking, Creative Thinking, Collaboration, Problem Solving, Leadership, and more!

Casual Drama Kids girls
Drama Camps were kids and teens learn and have fun
Happy Drama Kids Students

In-School Class Registration and Payment Information

We are happy to offer after-school drama classes at the schools listed in this district. If your child’s school is not listed, please check out our Community Class locations for additional class offerings. Lessons focus on voice projection, articulation, improvisation, collaboration & include a fall showcase & spring play.

Please note: Enrollment is for the entire session (not by the month). Some schools require enrollment through their registration system. For these schools, links will be provided for your convenience.

Jefferson Avenue Elementary School

303 Jefferson Ave, Fairport, NY 14450-2313
Enrollment is for the entire session. Pricing below reflects Monthly Payment Plan (8 payments/$55 each). 10% discount if you choose our Semi-Annual Payment Plan on registration form (2 payments/$198 each). Jefferson Ave students only.


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