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Drama is for Everyone

      Summertime is typically when parents start thinking about what kids will be doing outside of the classroom. Will it be a learning and development opportunity? A new club? Tutor? Favorite sport or activity? As you consider the options available to your...

New Year, More Confidence!

      Welcome to 2021! Ringing in the new year should also mean finding new ways to boost your child’s self confidence. But how does a parent go about encouraging confidence in a child who might be a bit on the self-conscious side? We at Drama Kids...

How Kids Can Give Back

      The holiday season has come and gone and a new year is here! If you are looking for a fun and engaging activity for the kids, try giving back this year. Volunteering is a great way to not only enjoy quality time together, but you’ll also be giving the...

Acting Up at Home During Holiday Breaks

      Make a Family Music Video We all watch various music videos on YouTube and have seen those adorable homemade music videos go viral, so why not try your hand at it? Pick out a song that the whole family loves, coordinate your outfits, choreograph some...

Acting Skills are Life Skills

  Learning how to act is more than just learning how to be an actor. According to Dr. Louis E. Catron at Appalachian State University, there are 25+ special advantages, or life skills, that students learn when they study theatre. We will break down a few of those...

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