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How to Help Your Child Overcome Worries

  Worrying—We all know how trying it can be to deal with and work through worries, but guess what? That worry bug isn’t limited just to adults. Yes, our kids can be inflicted with plenty of worries of their own. Through our experiences working with children, our...

Summer Fun Ideas for Your Child

  The time to start thinking about summer fun for your child is here, even if it does seem like the year went by in the blink of an eye! So how do you begin planning out fun adventures for your child’s summer? Drama Kids International has found some ideas worth...

7 Ways to Build Resilience in Your Child

  We all know the importance of being resilient in life, so it’s only natural for us to want to help our children build up their resilience. Why is resilience so crucial for children to build? It’s simple—resilience helps them learn how to bend and not break when...

Inspiring Creativity in Your Child

  Creativity is one of our favorite words! Drama Kids International eats, breathes and sleeps creativity, not just because it’s fun, but because of the benefits it can have. We especially know the benefits being creative can have for children. Creativity is not...

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