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My favorite thing about Drama Kids is that it lets me be around new people and allows me an outlet to express myself freely without ridicule. Drama Kids has also helped me get over my stage fright.



Our girls absolutely love Drama Kids. The skills they are learning in class have really helped build their self-confidence. Every week, they look forward to going to class and are always excited to share with us what they are learning. We are so happy our girls are having fun too! Thank you Drama Kids!

The Loftins


I really like that Drama Kids is a place where I can just relax, have fun, and be creative. I have made awesome new friends, and learned a lot about the theater and how to be a better communicator. I love my teacher and can’t wait to come back next year!



I can’t with words describe how much Drama Kids means to us and to Julia. She always comes home with a huge smile and can’t wait to let us know about all the fun things she has done in class. With all the fun comes invaluable practice to perform in front of a large audience and to get in touch with her emotions by acting them out. Drama Kids is a valuable extracurricular activity and teaches skills for life, while having lots of fun and meeting new friends.



I recommend Drama Kids to anyone who has children; it’s for girls and boys, shy or not! They will have a blast within an environment that allows them to express themselves with confidence among their peers, and learn how to work together and think creatively. Ultimately, they will gain abilities that will last a lifetime, and even shock and amaze themselves in the process!



Drama Kids has helped me be brave. Class is a place where I can spend time with friends and have fun. I can express myself and be myself at Drama Kids.



Aniya is a shy girl, so, when I enrolled her in Drama Kids I wasn’t so sure she would love it. It was a pleasant surprise to see her coming out of her shell and eagerly waiting for Thursday evening. Aniya says that it is the best day of the week!



When I first started Drama Kids I thought it was going to be so boring, but I was way wrong. The teachers are the bomb! I am so inspired. Because of Drama Kids my presentation skills will be great when I am ready to run for hopefully the first girl president of the United States!



The Drama Kids program lays a great foundation for life. So many kids and adults have difficulty speaking clearly and in groups. Drama Kids gives kids the skills and confidence in a safe Please list the three testimonials you would like us to add to your home page (if different from what is there already) atmosphere. These skills will help any child grow.



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