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Megan Drama Kids South Orange County


Program Director

Megan has had a passion for the theater since the young age of three, when her parents took her to see summer children’s theater presentations at Starlight Theater in Kansas City, Missouri. She sat on the edge of her seat as the children in the cast of Peter Pan took flight. When the Fairy Godmother changed Cinderella’s dress into a beautiful ballgown, Megan let out a squeal. She was hooked! By the end of each play she attended, she was singing the songs at the top of her lungs. (Which she secretly does to this day!) Megan and her sister loved to act out plays in their living room, from short plays they made up, to sing-a-longs like The Wizard of Oz, and Megan’s favorite, Annie!

But it was not until high school drama class in California that she got to spread her wings onstage. Megan fell in love with the art of improvisation and performed in many plays, such as James and the Giant Peach, and Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. She went on to graduate from Avila University in Kansas City. Megan has over 20 years of experience as an educator, helping children to discover their strengths and find their voices. She is thrilled to share her love of theater, and help children learn and grow through Drama Kids!

Join our team! Drama Kids is seeking dynamic and fun part time teachers to meet our growing class schedule. Please visit our Contact Us Page and submit your interest.

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