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My husband and I are so happy your program is here at the school. We want to thank you for helping my daughter come out of her shyness. Not that there is anything wrong with being shy, but her confidence level is so much higher. For instance, she cried right before her performance because she was nervous, but we were so proud of her when she pulled together for the performance and did a great job. Thank you for your attention and work with her. She loves the class and looks forward to it each week!



What I love about Drama Kids is the unique program it uses to develop communication, character, and self esteem. The skills they learn in Drama Kids can be applied to everyday like, in school, and later in their jobs. And all the while, the kids have so much fun!



“I couldn’t have done it without Drama Kids!



Sandy, just wanted to share with you how much my daughter, Emma, enjoys this class! She never wants to miss school on Friday because it would mean missing her drama class. This program gives her a fun peer group, promotes her self- confidence, and improves her clearness of speech, and she speaks at a nice volume level. We never have to ask her to speak up. Emma practices her lines without being asked. In fact, she frequently requests that we go over them with her. She really enjoys being around you and the other teachers. Regards,



Thank you so much for continuing Drama even though the schools are closed. I think it’s especially important to bring some kind of normalcy to the kids during this time of social distancing. With schools closed and with social distancing the kids miss seeing and being with their friends. My kids are getting bored with staying home and doing school work. Tuesday both of my kids had their drama classes. I just had to email you to tell you just how happy they were to see their drama teacher and friends. It made my heart so happy to hear them laughing so loudly. I think I needed it as much as they did. After their classes drama was all they could talk about. They talked about how much fun they had acting out different scripts and seeing their friends act as well. Thank you so much for taking advantage of technology and bringing drama class into our home. When talking to their drama teacher the love he has for his students is undeniable! I just had to send an email to say thank you! With everything that’s changing in our routines in this difficult time thank you for keeping drama going!



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