Throughout May, Better Hearing and Speech Month aims to raise awareness concerning disorders of speech, hearing, voice, and language. Communication disorders can develop at any point during a lifetime. The causes vary, too. Sometimes disorders appear at birth, impacting speech and communication. Other times, injury, illness or a genetic disorder develops.
Regardless of the cause, treatments and alternate means of communication provide options. Early intervention can help to identify external causes or help to address hearing concerns in children. Using hearing protection on the job and listening to music and other media at reasonable levels will help to preserve hearing. Even short-term exposure can have damaging effects.
There are a variety of illnesses that speech-language pathologists and audiologists can work together on a plan of treatment to improve quality of life and improve recovery.
How to Observe #BetterHearingAndSpeechMonth
- Learn Better Speech and Language Month by visiting the American Speech Language Hearing Association
- Share your speech-language-hearing success and struggles.
- Give a shout-out to your favorite audiologist or speech-language pathologist.
- Use #BetterHearingSpeechMonth to share on social media.
You can spread the word by:
- Putting up or handing out these BHSM posters in your community.
- Printing out these BHSM bookmarks and handing them out, so people are reminded of hearing health every time they read.
- Participating in ASHAβs annual social media contest, Speaking Up for Communication.
Better Hearing and Speech Month History
According to Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM) can trace its roots back to 1927, when it was established by the Federation of Organizations for the Hard of Hearing as National Hearing Week. The event expanded to Better Hearing Month in 1958 and became known as Better Hearing and Speech Month in 1972.
Since 1927, the American Speech Language Hearing Association has promoted Better Hearing and Speech Month to increase awareness surrounding speech, hearing, voice, and language disorders and to improve the outcomes through prevention and the therapy and treatments available.
Drama Kids International supports the development of language in children of all ages. To get more information about the program, visit your local Drama Kidsβ page today