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Public Speaking Doesn’t Have to Be Scary

  No matter your age, for most people public speaking is an overwhelming and even terrifying thought. It’s because of this that one of our main goals at Drama Kids International is to help children improve their public speaking and communication skills, while...

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What Technology Can’t Teach Our Kids

  Technology is practically a part of every facet of life these days—we use it to wake up, get the news, drive our cars, browse online, and even cook. For our children, technology is also commonplace. From “smart classrooms” to the latest video game console,...

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Healthy Habits Children Need to Develop

Leading a healthy life consists of many different facets, including those related to our physical, mental and emotional health. As adults, we know what needs to be done to take care of ourselves, but for healthy habits to truly stick, it is best to begin encouraging...

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San Diego, CA 92465

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Sarah Thompson

Business Consultant


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