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2023 Spring Showcase Presentations

2023 Spring Showcase Presentations

It’s that time again! When weekly drama classes begin to work on their Spring Showcase Presentations: small play-like presentations where each student plays a character, memorizes lines, picks out props and costumes, and collaborates with their class through teamwork...

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Social Emotional Learning Theatre Game

Social Emotional Learning Theatre Game

Social Emotional Learning plays a huge role in today’s educational space. Educators strive to assist students in negotiating their complex emotions including things like negative self-talk. Negative self-talk is so common and can be very difficult to overcome. It’s...

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Theatre Resources for Winter Break

Theatre Resources for Winter Break

Winter break is soon approaching which means the kids will be home for the holidays! Drama Kids classes will be on pause until the new year so how will your child get their drama fix? We have compiled a list of theatre resources for your family to keep you entertained...

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Staying Motivated During the Holidays

Staying Motivated During the Holidays

As the Holidays roll around, you might notice that your child’s educational motivation takes a turn. With the excitement of Holiday celebrations and the breaks from their school routine, setbacks might occur. This is why it is important to set educational goals at...

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Little Helpers on a Big Day

Little Helpers on a Big Day

While the cooking might start the night before or the morning of Thanksgiving, children search for ways to get in on the action anytime they can. However, the idea of giving them something to cut or measure can be scary or maybe even too hard for their age group....

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Written by former Drama Kids Teacher, Staci Sabarsky: Intention is incredibly important.  We all have them and hopefully, they are good ones, but how do you actually define the word?  The Cambridge Dictionaries Online defines intention as, “something that you want and...

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Easy DIY Costume Ideas

Sometimes the best costume ideas are born by digging in your closet 10 minutes before a Halloween party. You can create these last-minute Halloween costumes in a second, and mostly from things you already have in your home! CHIMNEY SWEEP Chimney sweepers wear pretty...

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Keep Those Germs At Bay This School Year

The new school year is in full swing, and while this is an exciting and occasionally stressful time for all parties, school can also mean that your child will be exposed to an assortment of sickness-causing germs. Drama Kids International wants to help make sure your...

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Never Fear, Shakespeare is Here!

Shakespeare can be a very intimidating subject to introduce. Isn’t the language archaic and difficult? There is no way children today can relate to it! Actually, once examined and simplified, many of Shakespeare’s plays are incredibly relatable. The themes within the...

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Sarah Thompson

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