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The Value of Drama

Thank you to Staci Sabarsky, a former FL Drama Kids of Hillsborough County teacher, for writing this wonderful article. Don’t just stand there, stand out-- was this week’s Drama Kids Phrase of the Week (POW)!  As we began discussing the spring plays with students this...

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Prep Your Kids to Spring Forward

Daylight savings can seriously mess up a solidified sleep schedule but here are 3 ways to help your child get acclimated to the Springtime change: Take It Slow  It takes some time to adapt to that loss of sleep, so don't just set the clock forward an hour one night...

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Children’s Theater Matters

Though it may seem simple: over-the-top characters, brightly-colored costumes, a simple plot borrowed from a children’s book and maybe a catchy song or two; studies have found that children’s theater and actively participating in creative drama has a powerful impact...

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Spark Imagination Through Theater Games

Drama Kids classes help children explore their imagination through many different theater activities but did you know that there are games that students can bring home! Theater games are a fun way to connect as a family and bring creativity to life together! Here are...

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Celebrate Black History Month

February is Black History Month! Let’s celebrate with our children and educate them on the amazing accomplishments of Black People from all over the world and throughout history with fun and engaging activities. Play Telephone Granville Tailer Woods was the first...

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Start the Year with Laughter

You have probably heard the phrase, “Laughter is the best medicine” but did you know that it’s actually true?! Think back to the last time you laughed…how did you feel? Uplifted? Was the weight released from your shoulders? Maybe your day got a little bit better. Not...

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2022 Spring Showcase Presentations

Every year, weekly drama classes end with Spring Showcase Presentations: small play-like presentations where each student plays a character, memorizes lines, picks out props and costumes, and collaborates with their class through teamwork to show off their public...

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A Very Drama Kids New Year

2021 is almost over and 2022 is quickly approaching. So how do you ring in the new year the Drama Kids way? Well, we have 9 fun activities that will surely bring out your family's creative side! Host a fancy character dinner at home Get out the good china, choose...

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Fall Crafts for Quality Family Time

The holidays are approaching fast and while menu planning and finding those perfect gifts for loved ones are probably near the top of the list, chances are that coming up with fun craft ideas to keep the kids involved and engaged is also something you’ve considered....

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Parent Engagement Leads To Student Success

When parents are engaged in their children’s school lives, students have the home support and knowledge they need to not only finish their assignments but also develop a lifelong love of learning. That is why the best predictor of student success is the extent to...

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Sarah Thompson

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