Drama Kids Fights Back Against Bullying

by | Apr 21, 2015 | Home Page

According to the Stop Bullying Now Foundation, 60% of all middle school students say they have been bullied; and, 20% of all elementary school children and high school students say they have been bullied. We believe there is one important element that can defeat bullying and that’s confidence. Confidence allows kids the ability to stand up for themselves and for others. Confidence is a skill that everyone can develop IF it is focused on. Many parents believe that their children have natural confidence, but the growing bullying and teen suicide statistics say otherwise. Confidence must be taught, practiced, continually reinforced and recognized. Unfortunately, most kids and teens don’t get such training.
Drama Kids students gain confidence by taking small but important risks in class to step forward, speak up, and express their ideas. Daring to be seen and heard is hard at first, but through constant praising and encouragement by our teachers, stretching limits through drama soon becomes second nature to our students. We feel strongly that our program is an effective weapon against bullying because our class curriculum taught by our trained teachers includes in EACH class:

  • Opportunities to work with new students – no CLIQUES allowed!
  • Partner opportunities to work together with someone new and present results together.
  • Small group and team opportunities to build leadership, compromise, and negotiation skills.
  • Presentation time to perform in front of the teacher and other students.
  • A strong focus on projection and speaking skills. Speaking up with strong articulation is taught and reinforced to all. We love noise! – Coherent, thoughtful, and creative noise.
  • Fun and constantly changing drama activities are used to ensure that all students participate fully. No stars are anointed over anyone else. All students are praised and recognized as the incredible miracles that they are.

One mom’s letter to us sums it up best:

β€œI know I have said it before, but I cannot say it enough, Drama Kids has made a huge difference in Lauren’s life. You gave her the confidence to start to take risks and move forward in her life. Before she started Drama Kids, life seemed so hard for her – especially when it came to friends. I remember in fifth grade she asked her friends if they thought she was weird and believe me, some said yes. Now she is engaging with adults and having them be so impressed with her. I know at that moment I thought of you and Drama Kids and the positive influence you both have had in her life. Seriously, when she walks across that stage in June, you will be right there with her. Know that you played a huge part of the wonderful adult she has become. I hope this also reminds you that what you do is so important.”

We CAN fight bullying. We CAN build confidence. We urge you to contact your nearest Drama Kids owner to learn more about our classes in your area, or very confidently open a Drama Kids franchise near you, At Drama Kids – the Difference IS Dramatic!

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